Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nausea improves

The crew just informed me that that the fumes continue to be terrible; mom's nausea seems to be  improving some. Her latest feeding was 1/2 myoplex and 1/2 carb drink. They are hoping it will stay down and not feed the fish...LOL. The crew is estimating that with her current stroke count that the swim may take a total of 16 hours to complete; but we all know that stroke count can vary as well as the weather/water conditions.


  1. Hope she can find a way to stay out of the fumes and to get the system settled down. It is could Pat is such a disciple of the Total Confusion approach to training but this cannot be any fun.
    I hate it when I hit the slipstream from an old two stroke outboard for a few minutes. I have trouble relating to how hard it must be to be choking on diesel fumes hour after hour. It does make me wonder when the Piloting community are going to catch up with the big improvements in emissions technology.

  2. I hope the wind shifts direction for you Pat and you are free of the boat fumes. That must be a tremendous challenge for you. You are well on your way. We are cheering for you! Go Pat go!
