This evening Jean (crew) and I met with Kingdom Swim boat pilot Phil White to discuss my upcoming 25 mile swim of Lake Memphrémagog. His experience and knowledge about this lake is phenomenal. I am very fortunate to have him as my pilot. He reviewed all weather forecast for the next few days. Because thunderstorms are predicted for the next two days, he has recommended a 5am (EST) start on Thursday morning from Newport, Vermont. Due to the increase air temperature of high eighties and warm water temperature of 72 degrees. I will be drinking plenty of water with electrolytes added to prevent dehydration from the heat.
I will activate my tracker 10 minutes before the start of my swim. The tracker will be on the boat and I will swim parallel to it. The tracker will update every 10 minutes in live time. Tracking link is in last post.
Many thanks to my family and friends for their ongoing love and support.
Amazing swim update. Buy plus size leather pants at cheap price.