2017 English Channel swim

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Results of Strait of Juan de Fuca swim

 On Sunday July 14,  I had an unsuccessful swim attempt of the Strait of Juan de Fuca (between Vancouver Island and the state of Washington).   It was the first time in my lengthy swimming career that I decided to stop my swim.   At the age of 73, I have the endurance to swim many miles but not the tolerance to withstand 49F water temperature.   Approximately one hour and thirty minutes into my swim, I started to experience hypothermia.    It’s not a good sign at the beginning of an eleven mile swim.   I experienced cramped fingers, claw hands, and twitching of legs.   I knew if I persisted in my swim that hypothermia would worsen.  I made the right decision to stop my swim.  Safety is the priority.  My boat pilot Captain Andrew Noble did an incredible job piloting, his crew Brian Kennedy was extremely supportive.   The Northwest Open Water Swimming Association observer Andrew Malinak was very helpful and supportive of my decision.   My crew Jean Murdoch-Gallant (sister-in-law) did a fabulous job.  She is well trained in treating hypothermia and she knew exactly what to do.    

I have no regrets in attempting this grueling swim.   It was an adventure beyond words.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Strait of Juan de Fuca


On Sunday, July 14, 2024 I will attempt to swim across the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Vancouver Island (Canada) and the state of Washington (USA).  I will be following the rules of marathon swimming and Northwest Open Water Swimming Association.   My boat pilot will be Captain Andrew Noble, NOWSA observer Andrew Malinak, and swimmer crew Jean Murdoch-Gallant.  

My swim will start at approximately 7am Pacific Time.   Attached is the tracker link.   The observer will activate it moments before the start of my swim.

 I expect this swim to be very challenging due to very cold water temperature.    Port Angeles (Washington) water buoy had a water temperature of 49.8 today.    Yikes!   I will swim with a traditional swimsuit.   NO WETSUIT or neoprene allowed.

   At the age of 73, I am looking forward to another swim adventure.   


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Lake Zurich Swim Results

 On September 2, 2023 I completed the 16.4 mile designated route of Lake Zurich from Rapperswil to the City of Zurich.   In a time of 13 hours and 10 minutes (ratification body Marathon Swimmer Federation).  At the age of 72 years and 212 days old.    I have completed six swims of  the Stillwater Eight Challenge.

It was a challenging swim due to many passenger ferries causing swirls of water.  At times I felt like I was swimming in an Endless Pool and not moving forward.    For any swimmer to be successful it takes teamwork.   My son Tom did an outstanding job as my crew.    Martyn Webster from Switzerland was the official observer….he was amazing!  I can’t thank him enough for his guidance and knowledge of Lake Zurich.   The two boat pilots Dani and Alain did a fantastic job in keeping me safe around all boats and ferries.    I want to thank my at-home crew my husband, daughter Sarah, and grandkids for always giving their love and support 

Contact info:  patgallant.charette@gmail.com

Friday, August 25, 2023

Lake Zurich, Switzerland

 On Saturday, September 2, 2023 I will attempt to swim the length of Lake Zurich in Switzerland between Rapperswil and Zurich.   A distance of 26.4km (16.4 miles) following the rules of the Marathon Swimmers Federation (ratification body).    My boat pilot will be Beat Lang of Zurich.   My swim observer is Martyn Webster, a record-breaking marathon swimmer from Zurich.   And, my son Tom will be my crew.   This swim is part of the Stillwater Eight Challenge.  This challenge consist of eight swims:  Lake Ontario (45 km) between Niagara region of New York and Toronto, Canada; Lake Tahoe (34.2 km) between Nevada and California; Loch Ness 36.2km in Scotland;  Lake Malawi in Africa (23.5 km),  Sea of Galilee (20.5km) in Israel; Lake Zurich (26.4km) in Switzerland; Lake Taupo (40km) in New Zealand; and Lake Titicaca between Peru and Bolivia.       

At the start of my swim a tracker will be activated.https://maps.findmespot.com/s/YX6W

Looking forward to another swim adventure especially after my recent hospitalization on July 4th for anaplasmosis (from infected Maine deer tick).   Thankfully, I responded well to the medication and have fully recovered.    On September 2, 2023 I will be 72 years and 212 days old.  

Friday, June 2, 2023

Lake Malawi Swim results

On Monday, May 22, 2023 I had a successful swim across Lake Malawi (24km) in Africa following the rules of the Marathon Swimmers Federation in a time of 13 hours and 5 minutes (ratified by MSF)) at the age of 72 years and 109 days old.    This swim was recognized by Guinness World Records (my ninth GWR).   Lake Malawi is part of the Stillwater Eight Challenge.  My swim started on the eastern shore of Lake Malawi to the western shore of Senga Bay, Malawi.   This swim was by far my favorite swim adventure in my twenty-five years of marathon swimming.    

This swim was organized by Howard James of Open Water Africa.   He arranged everything from transportation to and from the airport,  to boat pilot, observer (following Marathon Swimmers Federation rules) to recommended lodging.   The evening before my swim, we took a one-hour boat ride to the start of my swim.   A campsite was set-up by observer Walter Muggleton, boat pilots, and crew.   It was so much fun to have meals prepared by Walter cooked over an open campfire.  (He's a fabulous chef, too).  sunset was breathtaking......I was in awe of Malawi's beautiful sunsets.      As darkness approached, we slept in individual tents.   

 Swim started at daylight.   Please view my YouTube video on my Lake Malawi swim.

I would highly recommend this swim to any marathon swimmer looking for a unique adventure.  You won't be disappointed.