You are invited to join the global swim event "Swim for your Heart" on February 14, 2014 to bring an awareness of heart disease and its prevention. It's easy to participate! Go for a swim on February 14 and send a donation to your local heart foundation or program. Or support someone who will be swimming by making a donation to a heart program of your choice. Also, many swim clubs and community organizations promoted events on February 14 to encourage their local community to join swimmers and learn about the great health benefits of swimming.
The 2013 event was a big success with swimmers and supporters from 32 countries. In some areas, local hospitals joined the event by providing free screening of blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels for all swimmers who participated. Free information on prevention of heart disease was available at poolside. In warmer locations, open water swims were organized. Swimmers donated on a local level. For example: donations were obtained to purchase CPR mannequins to help teach Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation, donations went to Children's Cardiac Centers, hospital cardiac rehabilitation centers, emergency response teams and to Heart Foundations and Associations worldwide. You decide where you would like to send your donation. I will be donating on a local level in memory of my brother Robbie who died unexpectedly at the age of 34 of a heart attack. Robbie was unaware that he had heart disease. I hope you will join me in this global effort to bring an awareness of heart disease and its prevention. Thank you. Contact information: